Citizenship award 2023 - Foundation P&V

Citizenship award 2023
The 19th P&V Foundation Citizenship Award goes to Adil El Arbi, a film director and scriptwriter who is socially committed to young people. The Citizenship Prize was awarded on 26 October 2023 in Brussels.
The citizenship award allows Adil El Arbi to support a project of his choice that aligns with the mission of the P&V Foundation. He chose the Talent Factory of WAJOW, where a diverse group of 30 young filmmakers and directors develop their skills in film and online content creation over a period of 9 months, with the ultimate goal of producing their own vertical short film. Additionally, Adil El Arbi received an engraving by artist Philip Aguirre y Otegui.
A career close to the stars...
Through his career, Adil El Arbi has managed to shatter the cliché of inaccessibility. In a natural way, he manages to decipher a youth plagued by violence, radicalisation, joy and love. He knows these young people well and they inspire him. He is driven by a desire to show a world of open opportunities, far from the clichés of social mobility through sport or music. Culture is a possible way, but for that it needs to resemble society and be more inclusive. That's why, alongside his career, he has been committed to youth for many years. This year's Citizenship Award wants to highlight all those aspects of his career.
And a commitment as close as possible to his origins
He puts his words into action when he and Bilall Fallah launch the WAJOW project: a platform by and for young people that connects different cultures, backgrounds and ages through a shared passion for film and online creation. It encourages passionate people to reach their full potential.
A role model for young people
For Olivier Servais and Jessy Siongers, Presidents of the Foundation, "Adil embodies the positive values of change; he is not a victim. We see him as a bridge-builder between different cultures, between different generations and between different groups of young people. He tackles cross-cutting social issues, such as equal rights for women and men. What's more, through our projects we are convinced that culture is a lever for inclusion, and Adil is a magnificent example of this.”
Download the brochure of the laureate 2023
Press review
De Morgen,"Adil El Arbi krijgt Burgerschapsprijs 2023 voor zijn rol als culturele bruggenbouwer"26/10/2023 p.7
Knack, han Renard, "De Spielberg van Molenbeek? Anyday !" 25/10/2023,p.8-11
Le Soir, Béatrice Delvaux, Gaëlle Maury, "Soyez les ambassadeurs et pas les guerriers de votre origine ou de votre culture" p. 12-13
Le Vif, Han Renard, ''Je veux avant tout rassembler les gens" 09/11/2023 p. 10-14
Online:, '' Le réalisateur Adil El Arbi récompensé d'un prix de la citoyenneté, 25/10/23
De Morgen, 'Het is mega-arrogant om te zeggen dat je een rolmodel wilt zijn'’28/10/2023
DayFr: Director Adil El Arbi awarded a citizenship prize
DH/Les Sports+,"Le réalisateur Adil El Arbi récompensé d'un prix de la citoyenneté "25/10/2023
HLN: “Hij is een bruggenbouwer tussen culturen en generaties”25/10/2023
La Libre, "Le réalisateur Adil El Arbi récompensé d'un prix de la citoyenneté - "25/10/2023
Le Vif, Han Renard ''Adil El Arbi: Spielberg de Molenbeek"11/11/2023
MO*, Gie Goris, "Adil el arbi:‘Als wij de deur openen voor een volgende generatie, kunnen zij hun dromen waarmaken‘" 25/10/2023
RTBF,"Le réalisateur Adil El Arbi récompensé d’un prix de la citoyenneté" 25/10/2023
RTL Info,"Le réalisateur Adil El Arbi récompensé d'un prix de la citoyenneté" 25/10/2023
VRT Radio 2: Filmregisseur Adil El Arbi wint Burgerschapsprijs: "Hele eer dat mijn werk zo wordt bekroond " 25/10/2023
25 October 2023